I'm in love. With Jason Mraz's unplugged Sleeping To Dream. What a feel-good-in-love tune.
In one of those social surveys done somewhere, usually in America, they say men are happier. Women USED to be happier.
There are many factors conferring this happy state.
Men, in general are doing things that make them happy. It's no longer work, work, work, bring home the bacon work. Men are improving the quality of their lives by having more time for themselves for hobbies, activities like golf, night golf, 9-hole, 18-hole and golf tournaments. OK la, and other pastimes and sports.
Women, they didn't say women are unhappier la, BUT I think women in general are getting.... more stressed. I'm referring more to working mothers. More women are studying and working as hard, in the workforce and at home. There are more responsibilites to shoulder, more commitments, more traffic to plough through to make it home in time , more chores, more everything. The only thing not getting more is time.
They also say women are now more likely to have one-night-stands, make first moves and affairs. I guess it's like fashion, it's going back to retro style.
Dai siu ye in the making.
aiyoh you better teach dai siu ye how to cook and clean for his future wife.
I love Robin Williams.
Have a great weekend.
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