I decided to to be a stay-home mom.
... until mid June. I will lose 2 months worth of salary and my bonuses will be pro-rated. But it feels worth it, on many levels.
I have learnt and understood my baby's cues better nowadays and that gives me a lot more confidence now. I know he gets more hungry before his bedtime, so I increase his intake and feed him at a shorter interval so he can sleep longer at night. I know his cry is different when he's hungry or when he's sleepy. I know his favourite napping spot on the couch. Babies aren't that scary if you know their 'pattern'!
A couple of weeks ago, I felt different. I was unsettled, a bit down and jaded. Why did I have another baby? Why did I have to follow the social norm of having at least two children. My life was perfect before this. Daniel was an independent kid, I had a great helper who did all the housechores, I had ample time doing the things I love which was sewing and crafting, I had my etsy shop to run, everything was just so fantastic. It made me decide that I wasn't a baby person. I wanted to pass baby to someone else to look after until he's like 2, the fun age. Is this a normal feeling? It could be. Some say it is a natural initial feeling. Now, I think it was just some crazy phase. All I want now is to BE with baby and watch him grow.
My wide-eyed little charm.