1. A handmade card
Apple is handstamped on a thick card stock, printed on it is-
I chose this special present because I wanted you to know,
That I’m grateful for your hard work in helping me to grow,
For your constant understanding and for always being there,
To tell me I can do it and to show me that you care!
Daniel wrote a personal thank you note to each teachers and signed off, in color pencil. There were 2 casualties. Wasted.
2. A Kikkerland Apple memo pad.
3. A foldable shopping bag. Daiso has them. Go green y'all!
4. An eco natural cotton muslin drawstring pouch which I bought in bulk. Comes in 100. From the U,S of A. Comes in handy for occasions like this.
5. Handstamped teacher's name on a Shinzi Katoh's Alice in Wonderland theme Apple memo pad sheet.

Daniel has nice handwriting.
Nice gifts Ally. It's something different :) Creative idea.
Have a good weekend.
Thank you Sally!
I want to teach your sons too!
Hahaha! Come back and teach them baking!
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