Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mega Feast

My in-laws keep bugging us to go back to Seremban because of this dish. Must eat together with a lot of people. Not bad, but hubbie and sis-in-law's boyfriend lao sai the next day... too tonic. It starts with prawns, mushrooms, 'yee piu', on the top layer and as you go along, you find more new things inside, like chicken meat, sliced abalone, mini scallops, roast pork, clams, forgot the rest, all simmered in a gigantic claypot. I wonder if this is a new dish, never heard before, I think it's called something like "poon choi". As usual, Daniel the rubbish truck sapu a bit, just rice and the tonic gravy and some minced scallop. Sluurrrrrp!


Anonymous said...

Not new lah. Been around for ages. Looks good to me!

Ally said...

Wah, I suaku

Kean Hong said...

seem like "yat wok suk"... all dump there...