Friday, March 07, 2014

Mosquito Die

My favourite pastime at home has been killing mosquitoes.

That electric repellant device where you insert small rectangular refills everyday... not effective.

At evenings, around dinner time, I'd use a fly swatter and rapidly swing it around or flap it to knock them down midair, some land on the floor giddy, then I go for the kill. SWAT! It actually works. Within 15 minutes, I could kill about 10.

Then my mom bought me an electrical mosquito 'racket'. I swing it gently to tap flying mozzies and they literally spark.

Within 15 minutes, I killed more than 25!

I really don't know where they are coming from...


  1. Lokman1:16 PM

    They are...HUGE! Could there be a clogged up longkang near your house that's causing mozzies to breed?

  2. The longkangs are all dried up due to the dry weather... furthermore, it hasn't been raining for a month. Beats me man...
