Wednesday, March 05, 2014

My Wall Art

I can never find good wall art in JB. The closest I've seen is that movie poster prints in City Square. I can't find the name of that shop because it's not listed in their store guide. But if you have ever been there, you'll know it. Movie themed prints on wooden board frames, superheroes, celebrity icons etc. Very Hollywood.

I just want simple ones. So a crafter gotta do what she's gotta do.

These are in my boys' room. 

These are on the midstair landing. The triangles were hand printed using foam sheets cut into that shape, and stamped repeatedly with kelly green acrylic paint.

A bit colour clash, but it's the trend yo!

*sniff sniff* I smell business opportunity. 

But I'm still in the oh-heck moodiness. I still can see my dream of setting up a shop at the old JB town, but it's kind of faded now. I wanted to spread the love for good tasteful trending art to the local folks, but now I don't care anymore. Maybe I feel that Johoreans are not ready in terms of art and home decor. 

Dear Ikea, WHEN are you coming to JB?

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