Monday, March 10, 2014

Western Calligraphy Workshop with Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls

Until now, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have met Maybelle last Thursday at Bloesem Creative Spaces in Singapore.

I reached my office at 7a.m. (are you reading this, boss?), checked my emails, browsed through some of my favourite design blogs when I had a thought of revisiting a post I saw some weeks ago called Petals and Penmanship. I clicked on Maybelle's link which led me to her website, and to her blog where she announced she was visiting Singapore for a workshop. Then I searched further and found out that she has an Etsy shop! It was the very kit that I have always wanted to buy!! Here's the shop if you'd like to know.

THEN. I read further and realized the workshop dates has been sold out. I was crushed.

THEN. There was an extra special class held, ON THAT DAY ITSELF. 10am-1pm.

I was jumping like a boy high on sugar.

So I emailed bloesem, and started calling at 9am, every 5 minutes. Yes, EVERY 5 minutes. I was desperate. This is something I cannot miss in this lifetime.

No replies, no answers.

I finished up my labwork and sat down at 9.55am. What should I do, what should I do.

Heck. I requested for half day leave which was supportively approved (YAY!) and went straight to bloesem at Tiong Bahru.

I spent 10 minutes getting lost at the MRT station. So I took a cab. Here's the address if you'd like to go:
59 Eng Hoon Street #01-79 160059 Singapore

I finally arrived at 10.45am. I creeped inside and saw that she was demonstrating to a lot of people. I whispered to the lovely bloesem founder, Irene Hoofs, and her co-worker Zara, about how I just found out about the workshop and would REALLY REALLY want to join. At first, they told me nicely that it was already full. Oh well, at least I tried.

THEN, she says, oh, two people didn't show up! Irene was so kind to let me squeeze in. Thank you Irene and Zara!

For the next few hours, I was in a happy place.

This is the sample written by Maybelle.

Calligraphy is all about practise practise practise.

 Courtesy of Maybelle.

The sifu at work.

More of bloesem shop.

I met Ruth, owner of thelittlehappyshop selling Shinzo Katoh products and many kawaii things.

 Lunch provided. LOVE the packaging!

These were provided as a kit for the workshop which cost SGD180. 


The goodie bag.

I have yet to write any word... I guess I am still dazed with the adrenaline rush that day. 


  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Hi Ally,

    Wow, u are at work by 7am, what time do you leave your home in jb?


  2. Hahaha.. it was the morning I woke up at 4.30am because of mozzies, and I couldn't go back to sleep.

  3. Anonymous6:56 PM

    How is the traffic condition at woodlands link? in the past tuas link used to be empty and it was such a breeze to use it. nowadays its just so congested and takes us 1 hour to just clear the jam.

  4. Oh ya tell me about it! It is as jammed as causeway now!

  5. I was a professional calligrapher who lived an worked in New York Citry for twenty years. at present I live in Bandung, Indonesia. Although I am an Indonesian, I was born in Singapore.I am glad that some people are intereste in Western Calligraphy. I may send you some of my stuff . someyearsago Ididhave a blog. I am thinking of doing it again. Sam Fadlil
