Sunday, August 01, 2021

House number DIY

Make your own house number, no nails, no drilling, you just need a laser printer and decoupage glue coat Mod Podge.

First, create your number in your desired font and size on Word document and print it out using a laser printer. If you're using inkjet, you will need to have it photocopied. The rule of thumb is, the print must be carbon-based. 

Then, tape over the numbers with regular cellophane tape.
Cut out the number close to the edges and soak in water for 10 minutes.

Rub the paper off the cellophane tape, it comes off quite easily.

Coat a layer of Mod Podge on the wall surface where your numbers will be. Then place the numbers on the coated surface and paint another coat on top of the numbers and around it.

This is actually my second time doing this because we had our exterior walls repainted with a fresh coat of white. The first one lasted very long, in the all kinds of weather, surprisingly.

Simple and unique!

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