Sunday, August 01, 2021

Fun with concrete and cement dye

 More fun and experimentation with cement, this time with new moulds, yay! But first, I must give credit to the hubz who made me an adjustable platform for my concrete project.

The adjustable legs are very useful to ensure an even surface for the cement to dry.

New silicone moulds I bought from Lazada and Shopee

I had this Rayher cement powder for years! I tried this, together with the regular cement grout

Still works!

The Rayher cement is the darker one

The elites ones.

Here's the thing about conrete work, it's never perfect all the time. Some will come out with more 'voids' on the edges and surfaces due to formation of tiny air bubbles while hardening. Sometimes it's possible to salvage the 'voidy' ones by smoothening it with rough rough sandpaper (lower number)
It's amazing how different shades of grey is produced from the same mix.

I also bought some of these cement dyes to try; terracotta brown, red and black. Basically, I prepare the regular cement mix as usual and add a few soup spoons of the dye to mix.

The terracotta colour is my favourite. I had expected the black one to be solid black but seems like I have to add more dye to to it. The one I made is just a darker shade of grey.

I've made so many I don't know what to do with them. I guess I'll keep them until a craft fair opens one day. 

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