Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Doll Bed from JARO

My mom used to bring me to JARO when I was young. It was such a magical place. At that tender age, I was already starting to adore rattan and fabric crafts. JARO ( Johor Area Rehabilitation Organization) is still standing strong today, just next to English College school or Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar along Jalan Sungai Chat. Why I love this place? It's nostalgic. It's located very near to the city, yet the compound feels so peaceful and secluded. It feels like you are at your grandma's place. You just have to be there to feel it. And most of all, everything they sell is handmade by people with disabilities. All my soft spots are there.

Recently, I dropped by and bought a few things ie batik totes, kitchen gloves and their notebooks. The familiar rattan and cane products still continue to be made. Things like rocking horses, armchairs, little armchairs for kids, rattan chests, picnic baskets, regular baskets and many more. 

Then I saw the doll bed that I think I had when I was young. I just knew I had to get it!
I didn't really like the fabric they used for the mattress, pillow case and blanket. So I decided to make my own of course!

It's just amazing to see that they still make this after so many years.
It really does bring back sweet memories.

I made a new mattress.

New pillow and quilt!

There were so many fabric designs I wanted to use, so I made it double-sided.
The quilt is actually just felt fabric. I made a quilt cover with two different designs.

 Here are the different combinations.

 Honestly, I didn't know what to do with a doll bed. It's a different story if I have daughters, or if I'm seriously into doll houses and stuff. 

So I guess it can be my iPhone's bed. 

And of course my ultimate question is... can I sell this? 

Anyway, if you are ever in JB, do drop by JARO and support them!

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