Monday, August 22, 2016

DIY Artificial / Faux Potted Cactus

I had a blast last weekend making these. I started with one, like I always do when I try something new. But since all the materials were all over already, might as well do 3!

You can get most of the materials from Daiso, like this green microfibre cleaning cloth and the terracotta clay pots. I already have mini white pebble stones, but I have a feeling Daiso might carry them in their gardening section. If not, just head down to any nursery and get a small pack. 

To make one cactus, cut 4 pieces of this shape (size indicated in the photo above)

Sew two pieces together, like a finger puppet, and turn inside out. With other fray free fabric like felt, you probably don't have to turn inside out, but I had to do it with this cloth because it tends to shed fibre pieces.
I also sewn the edges with zig-zag machine stitches.

And then place one piece on top of the other and sew down in the middle. So you'll get 4 flaps.

Fill it up with poly-fillings or cotton. I used a pair of forceps to push the fillings all the way in.

The cactus is done! Now, assemble the pot. I raised the base by filling 1/3 of the pot's bottom with the same poly-filling.

Then place the cactus is the center. While supporting it with one hand, fill up the surrounding area space with the pebbles.

Tada! I sewn one little felt ball onto the top on a cactus, just for decoration. 

I added typewritten banners for personal messages. This will make cool gifts!
These can be used as pin cushions too :)

My initial material of choice was felt fabric, but I couldn't find olive green or chartreuse. Mint will be adorable too! The hunt continues...
And I'm figuring how to ship these fellas if I decide to list it in my Etsy shop.

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