Wednesday, January 08, 2014

On The Way...

I'm feeling a little excited on my next crafting endeavours.. some things I've been dreaming to do for a long time. Before a little peek, there were many things I had to buy and set-up for the photoshoot.

I must say.. photography is a challenge! I own a basic Canon DSLR and armed with a tripod, I had to try many shots and I'm not sure if I have taken the best one because I keep comparing my photos with those on top blogs. Theirs always look so bright and sharp whereas mine looks... hmm... not up to par yet.

First, I set up my background. My favourite is wood panels.

Bought these at Daiso. I painted one surface of each board with white acrylic paint, so that I can have the option of white painted background and natural wood background.

Natural wood background.

White painted wood background.

An image from Oh So Beautiful Paper.

This card inspired me!

I gotta keep trying!

So now my little secret is out... I hope I don't jinx it!

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