Friday, January 03, 2014

A Little Down...

To be honest, I didn't feel happy and hopeful on the start of the new year. I don't know why, I just felt depressed.

When everyone else is having a new year's day holiday on 1st January, Daniel had to go to school.

Then today (Friday) he asked me why I am working as it is a holiday for him. I want to slap someone, really I do.

I sent a gift to my friend in Sydney but found out she moved to Melbourne!

I took a joy ride during lunch because I got lost at the new road diversion and the new Marine Coastal Expressway. I thought I could go to my usual paper shop and Art Friend at Bras Basah to get my supplies, but alas, not today I guess.

I should count my blessings instead, yes? Oh WTF.


After work, I joined my mom and the boys at AEON. She brought them out to play. Ah, grandma is a blessing. It felt like a Saturday, or maybe it is crowded like that everyday. I thought since this is the first 'new Saturday', we should all have a family dinner together, but the husband had to be somewhere else. Oh well.

On the way home, the little one had a 'milk drama'. Demand high but no supply. So we swung by my usual Kedai Ubat Cina to get a can, but didn't have enough cash! I asked the stupidest question, "Do you accept credit card?" HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA. Of course. But the owner was so kind to give me an IOU because I am a regular there. So I took the milk bottle out, mixed some hot water and made the milk there and then.

Then we got home and I tucked the boys to bed. The house was quiet.

And then I broke down. It was just one of those days.

But tonight, I did something liberating. For me. I usually hide. But tonight, I changed, grabbed my laptop and drove out for wifi and tea. La solo.

I just had to get out.
For wifi.

Because I exceeded my internet quota.

Good night!!!


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Hello Ally,

    Try to go for Yoga or Zumba, where you can meet some friends as well as exercise n get rid of stress. There is Peace Yoga near tmn sutera in JB.

    All the best.

