Thursday, January 06, 2022

First week of freedom

 And here I am, at my first week of freedom. I'm no longer bound to a corporation, a company, a team or a boss. No more work emails, weekly meetings, night meetings and performance reviews. It's a strange, surreal and thrilling transition. 

People normally resign to join another company to gain more, to develop their career further and reuse their skills and experience. 

I resigned, period. I'm not going anywhere, period. I have no plans, period. I pulled the handbrakes and switched off the engine. To some, this is unthinkable, but to me, at this moment, is the sweetest taste of midlife second chance.

Am I about to mess up my life? Hell yeah, and it's going to be a BEAUTIFUL mess. Heh.

So what happened this week? Monday 3 Jan 2022 was my last day as a 'Scientist'. Since I was not on site, a courier arrangement was made to return my company laptop and other assets while they clear and pack my personal items at the Singapore lab office to ship to me. During my last video call with my boss, bless him, he showed me my personal items that was at my workstation, one by one to ask if I would want them back. One by one. Umbrella la, bags la, face cream la, food container la, even 15 cents coins. Quite an unforgettable clearance meeting, hahah. While still bound to my laptop for farewell emails and replies, and any last minute clearance procedure, I waited with bated breath till end of the day. And then I shut it down, unplugged everything and packed it up. This is it!

Did I lie down and shake legs after that? NO! I was on the move NON-STOP. Cook, wash, clean, throw stuff, declutter, reorganise. On. Repeat. I spring cleaned a lot, and it felt SOOOO good. But I'm SOOO tired. Gosh, I feel like I'm on a rainbow now.

My prayers were heard...

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