Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Zakka Patchwork Bags

 I think patchwork is here to stay. I have tonnes of fabric scraps and fat quarters, and I love mixing and mis-matching, that's why.

Trying to match and put together a patchwork is not as easy as it looks, it really does take some effort and decision-making in the process before you look at the final match and it feels right. At first you might look for ideas and inspiration on Pinterest and IG but at the end, it boils down to your own inspiration and the fabric collection you have. So I think patchwork is hard to copy and it's really personal. It can also have different themes! Here, I made some zakka themed patchwork pouches, which features a lot of natural linen texture and simple pop of colours. One of my favourite the checkered themed one. 

I wished I had more variety of vintage French linen, those with simple red lines at the sides. Those are hard to find! I hope to land on a pile some day... tee hee.

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