Monday, January 18, 2021

Daiso Cement Concrete Try-out

 Who would've expected that Daiso sells cement huh. I didn't.

Available in small 600g packaging, it is for minor repair work for homes, and also for craft enthusiasts. So fun!

So I got one packet of the 'Easy Finish Cement' to try on my moulds.

Looks clean and fine. Of course, be careful when handling cement as it has very fine particles that easily fly around in the air even with a small stir, so wear a mask if you are sensitive to the fine particles.

I poured roughly a cup of water and mixed with the cement thoroughly. If it is too thick, pour a bit more water. The consistency here is like medium where if you lift up the spoon, the cement mix can still drip but not like watery drip.

After stirring slowly towards the end of the mixing, make sure there are less air bubbles popping out from the surface. Then pour into your moulds. For one whole pack, I could make these 3 items. Use a leveller to make sure the curing surface is even.

This is the result after 2 days of letting it dry in the mould.

Further dried after another day or two.

Not bad! The quality is good for craft projects like these. 

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