Tuesday, October 17, 2017

That Cute Japanese Glue Tub

I thought they were gone forever. I wasn't even looking for it. I was watching this rather intriguing movie, well some say it is disturbing, Japanese movie called Sunk Into The Womb, about a mother who abandoned her two young children in her apartment. I will say no more, this is an excerpt of a review,
"...His appreciation for pace and holding that imagery for longer than is comfortable makes for haunting and emotional viewing. This is just the sort of film that will fair better in a festival environment where audiences are more prepared to be challenged than in any sort of commercial setting or wider release, and that is a shame: this deserves to be seen"

Based on a true story, the direction was captivating in a sad way. You can read more about it here.
The beginning part was fine and dandy, the kid was making a scrapbook bla bla. And she whips out this Japanese glue that I remember!! I had one when I was little! I've never seen it being sold in Malaysia or Singapore. That moment, I knew I had to get it for nostalgia sake.
Took me a few clicks on the internet to figure out the name of the glue without any leads at all. Google rocks. I think I searched "cute retro japanese glue tub" and somewhere in the Images, it popped out. From there I managed to sourced out the name and the nearest location to buy it from.
It is called Fueki-kun Nori Glue. It is described as "Made from 100% corn starch to keep your toddler or child safe. This glue contains absolutely no formalin. A trustworthy glue, featuring firm primary adhesiveness, quality coating, and a long-lasting adhesion. 
High quality corn starch glue."

After a brief chat with my aunt in Japan, and some waiting/transit, these arrived in pairs! A set for each of my boys. Thank you Ah Yi Chris!

Aren't these adorable!

Update: These are now offered locally in Malaysia by Stikerrific on shopee and lazada. Yippee!

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