Monday, July 24, 2017

DIY House Number

Terrible me hor. No updates.

I proudly present what I made over the weekend. Couldn't believe it was so easy (hao lian)

Bought these from Daiso; the wooden letter rack and two sets of faux succulents.

I wanted to write the number free-hand but was worried I might screw it up. No matter how good you are, you still need a guide. So I printed the number in my favourite font and cut it out.

Traced the number cut-outs.

Started colouring.

Went a little off, but it's OK. Looks more handmade.

Cut a piece of styrofoam to fit into the rack.
And then Mod Podge-d the entire wooden rack.
After it is dried, the faux succulents went in.

Placed some double-sided foam tapes behind, and wa la!

I'll see if it can weather the weather.

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