Monday, October 31, 2016

Forest City

Nowadays, I know what Johoreans do during weekends. They visit newly launched properties and enjoy free use of the facilities there. So we joined the crowd one weekend.

Just like Country Garden, Forest City's effort to attract potential buyers is massive. Even its area and future development are massive.

 Even in this scale, I could get lost. 

So errmm, like 90% of the visitors who are probably not intending to order anything from there, we went to check out their water park which was open for free use. Fun activities like jetski, banana boat and water ball walking are subjected to fees. 

We've not seen this interesting waterball walking thing before, so I let the boys try it. RM15 for 10 minutes.

You enter a deflated plastic ball and they pump air into it...

... until you are like a gerbil in an exercise ball.

Then you exercise like crazy.

 At one point, I hope they don't run out of air in there!

The kiddie pool park. 

Reminds me of Country Garden's pool.

Reminds me of.... Changi airport?

There was an artificial beach just next to the pool area but I didn't bother to check it out. Anyway, by 5pm the pool was closed (and every kid went 'AWWWWWWWWWW'). It was starting to drizzle too, so we left. 

Things are definitely brewing there... 

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