Monday, August 15, 2016

Feel like slapping myself

It's one of those days I want to bang my head on the wall.

I ordered some stuff from Taobao. Again, yes, again. I ordered padded envelopes to mail out my orders. More about this next time. And in the history of getting packages delivered to my house, my helper has failed to receive the packages most of the time due to various reasons. She would either be bathing, upstairs cleaning or in the backyard sidai baju. And she would claim that she didn't hear any doorbells. BUT THE TRACKING DETAILS SAID THAT THERE WAS A FAILED DELIVERY ATTEMPT AT xx:xx time. I wonder if these delivery guys go all the way to your house for fun, not press the doorbell, and then leave?

Or is it Murphy's Law. The delivery guys always come by when you are there but not there. Jahanam betul!

So, now I am mad at myself for forgetting to inform my helper about a delivery. Sheesh Ally, she was with you the WHOLE DAY and you were actually thinking about the delivery and you cannot open your mouth for just 5 seconds to say these words "I have a delivery coming tomorrow". And another 3 seconds to say "Please keep a lookout for it".
And I'm mad too at the fact that why there are failed delivery attempts when actually there is someone at home?

I. Just.Want.My.Mailers.NOW.

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