Tuesday, August 04, 2015

The Age of 5

I've said it many times, 5 is perhaps the cutest age for a kid to be. I have a weakness for a kid's sweet innocence.

The other night, Darren chose to sleep on my bed, well more like toss and turn. This happens now and then. He either creep back to his own bed or really fall asleep on my bed where I then carry him back to his bed. So cute.

So the other night, as we lay beside each other (so cute), I held his hand with my palm facing up. We closed our eyes.

Then he gently, very discreetly released his little hand from mine... like how we moms try to escape from our infants who just fell asleep.


If only every home has a cute 5 year-old in it, this world will be a happier place.

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