Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New office space

My workplace recently had an office revamp. 

This is was my old workstation. I really cleaned it out.

I thought this was mesmerizing. Everything about computing and electronic mesmerizes me, because I don't know anything about them..heehee. These are the ethernet cables. So BLUEtiful.

My new workstation. It came with the green background board, so I got everything from black and white, to grey, to vintage shades, just to match it. Hiao right. 
Scandinavian theme. I'm so motivated to work now!

1 comment:

  1. I am loving the new workstation, what a transformation! I always say that it's so important to work in a comfortable and happy environment, it's really good for your mind. I can see that you've really made your workspace your own, I recently customised mine to make me feel more at home, I probably spend more time there than I do at home!

    Raymond @ CKS Global Solutions LTD
