Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Our birthdays

I had a somewhat hectic birthday towards the end. After work, I dropped by AEON to buy a spanking new Samsung Note4 for the husband. We are now sworn to buy each other new phones when our plans expire, heheh. Then got home and wrapped it deceptively in a bigger box. Boy was he surprised!
He was planning to get the phone in April when my plan expires but I accidently found out we could do it two months before the expiry... no penalty fees!

Our dinner was the usual home cooked food. My mom and aunt joined us, and made the Lou Hei all by themselves because mummy dearest doesn't want artificial colours. So, she grated the cucumbers, carrots and peeled a pomelo. She also bought the sauces IN BOTTLES. We could've made 100 Lou Hei kits. Then it's toss toss toss and eat eat eat.

Next on my birthday itinery was getting little snacks to pack Darren's birthday goodie bags for his classmates the next day. So, it's buy buy buy, open open open and pack pack pack.

I wish I had more time to zhng it a bit more, but I was really running out of time.

Oh and we had cake!

Then I brought the boys to visit a childhood and a family friend. That night was the eve of Ti Gong's birthday and traditionally, a lot of Chinese celebrate it too. And this friend celebrates it every year by offering prayers and roast pig to Ti Gong. Oh, and whaddya know, it's my Lunar birthday too! It's such an honour. So, it's chat chat chat and give give give (ang pao).

We got home at midnight. THEN, the little one said he had to do his overdue homework. I told him to let it slip, but HE. WOULD.NOT.LET.IT.GO. I'm really proud of him and all, but C'MON, it's f***ing midnight and he had to finish like 1000 pages of words and colouring.

But he sat at his desk, and so gracefully and calmly wrote letters by letters while I helped him colour some shit pictures.

We finished at 1am. That boy boleh tahan jugak. I think he dozed off 0.5 seconds after he lied down on his bed.

No, I'm not done yet. I showered and made those 'Darren is 5!' little tags, and stapled on the goodie bags. And I took 2 precious minutes to take those pictures. Ha.

There goes my birthday! A good one nonetheless. I am every so thankful to everything I am blessed with, everyday.


We brought cake to his class the next day, and handed out the goodie bags.

And this was a gift from my beloved husband. XOXO.

I don't know what it is, but as age catches on, I am appreciating birthdays more now, and letting go more too.  Appreciate what you have, and let go of what you can't have...

...is the key to happiness. Amen!

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