Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Where Was I

Josie, my trusty helper went back to the Philippines for 3 whole weeks. So I had 3 whole weeks too, during Christmas, New Year and the first 2 weeks of 2015. Thinking back, we did a LOT of things!

I brought my mummy dearest and the boys to Gardens by the Bay, and dined at Basilico.

We walked Gunung Pulai and Kukup.

We went to Kidzania (the husband and the boys) and IKEA (just me, OH THE JOY).

We went to the Doraemon's 100 Secret Gadget Expo at City Square.

Darren officially starts kindergarten.

I made my new IC.

We went to Legoland. I realized our annual pass is expiring this Feb, so we'll be going again..and again...and again...


We repainted and redecorated our home. I feel so at peace now!

Happy 2015!

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