Thursday, January 22, 2015

Gunung Pulai and Kukup Trip

On Christmas Day, we went close to nature... forest, hills, streams and the sea. Pao ka liao!

There are apparently Gunung Pulai Pekan Nenas and the Gunung Pulai Kulaijaya. The latter is closed to public. 

Quite an easy hike. The ground was wet and a bit muddy when we were there.

We saw this beautiful flora growth on the rocks. 

This looks harmless, but really it is very steep, and we all went down it like a pro.

Children-friendly stream.

Small Johor towns typically look like this, defined by rows of shophouses. Yep, that's a town alright!


Fishing kelong in Kukup.

Nothing changed. Same old same old. The spitting fishes were still there but some dunggus were FEEDING them bits of ikan bilis (of the lowest grade). I was like "Why in the world did you do that, NOW they won't perform their super sharp sniper spitting skills for you!" Those guys are scarily accurate.

So, kids, STOP feeding the spitting fishes, ok? Until next time!

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