Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My Power November Weekends So Far...

I have been pleasantly busy! One weekend after the next since the start of November!

#1 - Wedding Cards
Since I've listed my collection on my Etsy shop, this was my first order through Etsy. Forty cards, twenty in English and twenty in Chinese. My first Chinese format invitation card too! It was quite a feat, considering I am Chinese illiterate... heheh.

#2 - IKEA shopping in PJ
After months of selectively compiling my list, I finally got my hands on them! I think I will reserve this for its own post, deservingly...

#3 - Wedding dinner in KL
This was the actual reason that let me shop in IKEA PJ! It was the husband's cousin's wedding. And lo and behold, this was the first wedding I attended where the groom's sister dressed up LIKE.THE.BRIDE. In full glory. The dress was a yellow luxurious embroidered satin with TRAIL, big set hair, heavy make up, 7-inch pumps with gold sides. HELLO!!! I thought entered the wrong ballroom! I think it was rude and inappropriate to steal the limelight from the bride like that.

#4 - Wedding Backdrop Project
This was a very dreamy and romantic project. I helped a friend set up a wedding photo-taking backdrop. And this deserves its own post too!

#5 - Prepare new home for aunt
This is actually on-going. I had the privilege of collecting the keys to a brand new studio apartment, for my aunt. Not my house, but the feeling of collecting keys is kinda exciting! Oh imagine a bare new house, ready to be decorated! It's like an artist's canvas! Well, I won't be decorating it of course, I will leave it up to her. But I will have to clean it, get her sofa bed in, install air-con and water-heater, put up temporary curtains, lend her some floor lamps since she has yet to choose her ceiling lights, and basically prep it in time for another aunt to stay first. If only I could be her interior designer!

November ain't over yet!

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