Tuesday, July 01, 2014


A parent working in Singapore, driving back to JB daily, with children schooling in government schools in JB. If you fall into this demographic, like me, I feel your pain. *hold hands in solemn unity*

First punch that hit me, was the change in the weekend. Things are NOT normal no matter how used to it you are. It's been half a year, though I'm used to it, but I still don't like it, and it doesn't feel normal. 

Now the next punch is the impending raise of the VEP fees. $20 a day, yaaaaaaa-okay. But $35 a day, ouch.

It feels like two moving concrete blocks are narrowing into you and there's no way to run...


  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Hi Ally,

    Wow, they are going to increase it to S$35? When will this take place? In the past it used to be S$30, then S$20 which is affordable.

    Seriously, the jams at the causeway is caused by Singapore registered cars, not Malaysian registered cars.

    A lot of singaporeans stay in JB. by increasing the VEP, it will not help reduce traffic jams.


  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Hi Ally,

    Wow, they are going to increase it to S$35? When will this take place? In the past it used to be S$30, then S$20 which is affordable.

    Seriously, the jams at the causeway is caused by Singapore registered cars, not Malaysian registered cars.

    A lot of singaporeans stay in JB. by increasing the VEP, it will not help reduce traffic jams.


  3. Hi Sally, you're right, there are more Spore cars that commute daily. But there's nothing folks like me can do, but to grind on and cut down other expenses...

  4. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Hi Ally,

    Would have been better if they imposed the S$35 only during peak hour eg 7am to 9.30am. Those entering before and after this time should be charged S$20.

    I hope they will re-consider their decision.


  5. Hui Ching2:03 PM

    COE in Singapore is ~$80,000.

    Divide by 10 years, 12 months and 20 days per month, you get:

    $80,000/10/12/20 = $33.33.

    Now you understand how they arrive at $35?

    At $20, it has been a discounted price for Malaysian cars driving into Singapore, sharing the same road as Singapore cars, until now.
