Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I am crazy over enamel kitchenware. But they are so hard to get here! And SO.VERY.THE. EXPENSIVE.

Falcon Enamelware and Riess are the two leading brands in the world.

Excerpt taken from Falcon website.

Since the 1920s Falcon Enamelware has been an icon of British home life. Ice white with a distinctive blue rim, it is instantly recognisable as a design classic.
But as well as timeless elegance, Falcon Enamelware has enduring strength. Enamelware is porcelain fused onto heavy-gauge steel, giving it many admirable qualities - durability, smoothness and chemical-resistance. It can assume brilliant, long-lasting colours, and cannot burn. If you drop it, it may chip but it won’t break. Dishwasher-safe and oven-safe up to 530F / 270C, it can also be used on gas and electric hobs.
Riess is a family owned company, manufacturing enamelware since 1550 in Ybbsitz, Austria, operating in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way for generations. Electricity from the factory is generated by three hydroelectric power plants powered by a stream that flows beside the factory.

Can you imagine the scenery?!

And each piece is crafted and hand-finished by skilled artisans. I'm a sucker for hand crafted things.

Enough words...

 Riess Ladle Set

 Riess Milk Can

Riess Colander

 Falcon Colander

 Falcon Mugs

Falcon Serving Dishes

I can only hope IKEA produces similar design and it will be way more affordable. For now, mostly UK online shops sells them... in POUNDS. When you convert POUNDS to RM, that's like 50 stabs to your heart. 

Some day, some day...

Update: SPR Market in Singapore carries the Falcon Bake Set and certain Riess kitchenware.

GUESS WHAT?!! I also found the Riess ladle set in RAKUTEN GLOBAL site! Not cheap though...
Buuuuuttt... I found very similar plates, mugs, saucepans and colander as Falcon.. the white with blue rim. And waaaaaay cheaper! I have placed my orders, and awaiting the shipping quote *fingers crossed*


  1. ooh nice utensil! hope one day i could revamp the kitchen as ive imagined :D

    stumbled upon your blog, your work inspires me :).. need to re-ignite my long-abandoned creative sparks and start creating :P

  2. Nice to meet you syaf!

  3. Hi ally, any chance you can share the sites you have made yr order on the enamelware? That will really help tremendously.

    Thanks in advance

  4. hey ally, i found 1 blog and site which sell alot of enamelware. you can go and find at fb..their name is ArtigosHomeVintage or www.artigoscollection.blogspot.my

  5. christina11:46 AM

    Hi Ally, you mentioned you found enamalware similar to Falcon and much cheaper. Could you share the source? I've been hunting for this as well. Thanks in advance.
