This time, it was also raining... no fate it seems. But this time round, I visited the show gallery and I have to say, the decor is impressive. I don't like it as it is not my style at all, but I am impressed with the amount of detail in every room and corner. Here are some pictures if you'd like to see.
Mini scale model of this mega project. It feels almost like a state. The husband commented "Imagine getting out of this place during rush hour or emergency"
Hey, looks like Singapore!
The lobby.
The indoor play area.
A pool of balls! I wanted to jump into it.
Bowling alley.
The water feature.
The pool. Gorgeous lotus design with shading made with tiles.
They spent a fortune on landscape. It's impressive. I love the variety of flowers, shrubs and trees they brought in. But the most noticeable features are the little figurines and props they put up all around the garden. Butterflies, mushrooms, fairies, little people, dogs, semua ada.
The outdoor playground.
Interior design galore. Very very meticulous. Lots of shiny surfaces, silver, gold, blings, chandelier, glass... very inorganic even when they place decorative plants, so not really my style.
Studio apartment
Studio apartment.
Studio apartment kitchen.
The rest of the pictures below, I can't remember which model they are. For floor plans, it's best to check their official website.
The most popular apartment because of this walk-in closet.
Every girl's favourite room.
Gallery guide says this is not the actual bathtub. I think it's like a pre-installed tub.
The cherry blossom is 3D, as in, it IS a sculpted flower popping up from the artwork.
So there. I think the showroom gallery was more like an art gallery. If you ask me, I'd prefer a 'blank' showroom where my imagination can go to work.
Looks very Grand Ally. i believe these are not built with us in mind, but for singaporean investors. house price in JB have gone sky high that normal income holders cannot afford to buy them.