Monday, January 28, 2013

My Home Garden

In Malaysia, terrace houses comes with a small plot of garden, usually wild unsightly grass. Most people cement it off to make parking spaces for another car. I would fight to keep the garden. And it is worth it. A garden is a stress reliever!

NEW carpet grass! NEW Podocarpus tree (or Japanese Yew/Buddhist Pine)!

Actually, now the garden is making me a little stressed because I don't how long I can maintain it! The tree has dried brown leaves already, and some patches of the grass have dried. HELP!

The only way I know how to prettify my garden, is this pair of 'accessories'.

Hmm, the leaves are not very dense like the others I saw.

Every evening when I get home, I'd stroke the tree and talk to it. I'm a tree whisperer wannabe! I hope I don't have bad breath.

Here's more improvements!


  1. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Hi Ally,

    May I ask if you planted these carpet grass yourself or the contractor did it for you? How much does these cost?

    i heard that pearl grass is better cos it requires less maintenance while cow grass is suitable for gardens which are exposed to hot sun.

    I've asked the contractor for a quote to carpet grass my garden, and they are asking for RM5K. So, I put it on KIV first.


  2. Hi Sally,
    The nursery guys did it for about RM900 for an area similar to a car parking lot, plus a flower bed outside my house. The grass type is the 'better' one, I can't remember the name, it's supposed to grow slower, so it's easier to maintain the length.

    5K is steep! I would KIV too. Maybe you can include some pebbled path or a wooden deck patio on your garden, so that you don't have to spend so much on carpet grass but you can still enjoy it. Half half!

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Hi Ally,

    Thanks for sharing the info on the grass. we are currently looking into the 50-50 arrangement. but cant decide whether to cement half or just do the pebble wash. pebble wash can get dirty and own scrubbing may not help and may need to call contractors to wash it once a yr (which again involves $$).

