Thursday, April 02, 2009


Once in a while, I become this magnet to suay-ness.

Stupid MAXIS barred my line. Why? Because I didn't pay. Why? BECAUSE IT DIDN'T SEND ME THE FUCKING MONTHLY BILL REMINDER. Tiu you Maxis.

Blackout from midnight to 2am this morning. Bandar Baru UDA prone to blackouts. Tiu you TNB.

BAD congestion-for-no-reason at the JB checkpoint. Buses the culprit. Sudden increase in their numbers this morning. Where the tiu did they come from.

Other than that, I'm really happy how the way my life turned out.

Mouth ulcer, yeast infection at the other end, left leg broke out in a rash due to allergy. ENTIRE leg. Scalp eczema (self-diagnose).


  1. LOL! What the tiu happened to you?

  2. All kinds of tiu la... have to add updates summore. Tiu.

  3. kam lan tiu? hahaha, relax mom..... better tiu B End.
