Friday, January 30, 2009

Cooking Up a Storm

No, there's no pictures of food here. And no, I didn't cook. My sister-in-law did. I have a stack of recipe books at home and I love watching cooking programs, but I have not cooked up a storm yet. Not yet. It's just not my time. I believe, in a woman's lifetime, there will be a phase where she will be the kitchen goddess. Maybe some won't ever be, I don't know, but that's because they have husbands or boyfriends or fathers or helpers who cook like a pro. We call these lucky bitches, lucky bitches.

No Ipoh this time. Just Seremban. Food, snacks, TV, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. No crafting, no internet, no newspapers. That is what CNY has always been about.

Happy Niu Year!

Yours truly, Da Niu

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