Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My New Etsy Banner

With my very limited Illustrator skills, this is what I whipped up. My new banner for my aruricards@etsy shop.

I drew the birds! Free-hand! Using my MOUSE! CAN! Selamat Hari Raya!

Etsy oh etsy, what can I say about etsy. It changed my life. I'm hooked on it whether I want to or not. It's the greatest online shopping site I've ever found, and now my colleagues are hooked on it too. I spend more money than I make there. Sales have been slow for me these weeks but I still enjoy listing them everyday. It's just too fun.

By the way, hubbie is off golfing, and Daniel is home with TitaJosie! Everything I prayed for is answered, one by one. Next up, is re-introducing him to school. Please no more emotional trauma.

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