Thursday, August 21, 2008

Inbox (Zero)

It's weird, but maybe it's not. It's just me. These few days, I am the person whom others don't reply to. Maybe this is a very normal thing. But ever since I joined the seller community at etsy, I have learnt a thing or two about people's behaviour, and to accept it.

I used to get excited when I receive a conversation from people who ask about customizing this and that, and about bulk order. They sound genuinely interested. And I usually oblige. Then. No reply.

Then this seller-to-be from KL chatted with me. All nice, hahaha, wow wow, yah yah. Just 3 conversation back and forth. Then. No reply.

S was supposed to meet me to pass me some goods. Few smses. Call you later. Then. No reply.

I sent some commissioned design work via email. No response.

Old friend. Smses. No reply.

Perhaps, I myself, have been guilty of not replying people sometimes. Eeek.

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