Monday, March 17, 2008

"What Do You Love About Thee?"

I'm an old lady. Being awake at 12.43am is a feat to me. I'm having mental block from designing my cards. I can't go to work tomorrow because Daniel's nanny is in hospital. She had chest pains and has to be monitored overnight. My heart nearly stopped when she told me. This amazing woman has been my saviour ever since Daniel was born. And I can't even think of what will happen if something happens to her. She sounded alright though...

I was watching a Singapore TV program called Rouge, and in one part of the program, this was asked.

"What do you love about your other half?"

My answer used to be a cliche. "I don't know why I love him, but I just love him". Bla.

Becoming an old lady, I started to have reasons and opinions for everything. So, I thought I'd share on what I love about my other half.

He's always there.
He's the most reliable person I've ever met.
He's simple and straightforward.
He's a great father to our child.
He washes the dishes.
He tucks me in every night.
He's goofy.
He loves me.

OK. This old lady gotta go to bed.

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