Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Child's Early Experiences and Its Effects

Quote of the day: Change is the only constant thing in life.

I came across this while surfing for porn. Simplified version for you fast-track minds.

Exploring the Behavioral, Psychological, Physical, Intellectual and Emotional Consequences of Events During Prenatal Development, Birth and Infancy.

Early experiences provide a template for how we experience the rest of our lives.

Research shows that
# prenates are conscious, aware and sensitive
# pre- and perinatal events are remembered ( perinatal means a numder of weeks, immediately before and after birth)
# prenates and infants take on their parents; unowned experiences and feelings
# pre- and perinatal experiences may have dramatic long-term effects ( positive and negative)
# prenatal and birth experiences can impair bonding

Common Early Experiences...
# being unwanted
# fertility assistance/in vitro
# induction/augmentation
# domestic stress or abuse
# separation from mom
# earlier pregnancy losses
# considering, planning or attempting abortion
# lack of empathy ('feeling')
# caesarean
# prenatal loss of twin
# drugs/toxins

Their Possible Effects
# colic
# low self-esteem
# lack of inner awareness
# inability to start/finish
# bossiness
# easily startled
# hypervigilance (overly cautious)
# resistance to cuddling
# eating issues
# inconsolable crying
# fear, nervousness and restlessness
# developmental delays, learning disabilities
# defiance, resistance to following rules
# sleep disturbances
# anger and distrust
# lack of confidence
# hopelessness
# clinginess
# digestive upsets
# hypersensitivity
# neediness
# easily frustrated
# prolonged crying or no crying at all
# attachment/bonding problems
# allergies, asthma and physical ailments
# spatial disorientation, clumsiness

Which Often Manifest In Later Life As...
# having to stay in control
# body image problems
* restrained spirituality
# rage and violence
# chronic health problems
# inability to receive love
# money and career issues
# always being a 'victim' or 'drama queen/king'
# reduced access to inner wisdom and intuition
# lack of empathy
# eating disorders
# drug use/abuse
# anxiety disorders
# cynicism or despair
# never 'belonging'
# lack of presence
# sexual problems
# being out of touch with creativity
# difficulty with intimacy

This is taken from a website that offers services for parents and therapists working with children.

Personally, I find it hard to be convinced. Or is it actually a trait I have due to early experiences? *panic*

This is the best time for you to chat with your mom/dad. See if you're screwed up as an adult. I know I am.

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