Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A little drama on an ordinary day at work

It wasn't a drill. I heard the fire came from the animal holding unit. That's a scary thought.


  1. huh? what animals? held for what reason? who's been burning animals at the lab?

  2. Animal holding unit is a mouse/hamster breeding facility here for research purposes. I know, it's cruel.

  3. mice? kill them all! i poisoned the ones living in our garage....hehehehe (evil laugh)

    btw, i just notice this funny looking thing in the first pic tat looks like a hunormous dandelion that has gone into seed--wat the heck is it??--it's on the left of the pic covering part of the fire truck...silver/gray thing

  4. You're right. It's a dandelion. It's metal art. One day I'll show you pics of other 'artwork' around here.
