Monday, September 24, 2007

The Thing About The Truth Is...It's Scary.

(forgot to click 'PUBLISH POST' last week...long overdue one)
Quote of the day: It's easy to be mean.

All the Season's rose flavoured snow skin mooncakes are sold out. I should be thankful I had the chance to eat one this year. I was craving for it so much for the past two days but all I get is disappointment when I reach the Season's stall with bated breath. Now I have to wait for one whole year.

Anyone watched The Brave One? It's a thinker's movie. It has this subtle growing effect on you after watching it. Very 'stirring'. If you want to know about the movie, read on.

It's about a woman (played by Jodie Foster) whose life changed after she and her beloved fiance were victims of a brutal assault which resulted in his death. All this after an innocent walk in the park, by a group of drunkard violent youths. I find this eerily familiar, because I live in a city where this kind of crime is not impossible. Not drunkards, but drug addicts.

After a 3-weeks coma and a long hard recovery, she goes home. She tries to accept the fact and move on, but fear haunts her. She's afraid to leave her home. She's afraid of walking the streets of New York. She's afraid of people.

She buys a gun, for $1000, off the black market, unlicenced. I bet a lot of Johoreans wished they could do that huh.

She keeps it in her bag for protection. On a fateful day, she used it for the first time in the subway train. A couple of African-American youths were terrorizing this other kid. They take his iPod. They go on to terrorize this grandfather and his frightened grandchild. All this while, she just sits in the corner. Detached and nonchalant.

The frightened trio left the train leaving her and the two aggressors in the train. They notice her. They start to intimidate her. One of them took a knife out and pointed it at her neck. She just looks up numbly at them. Then...

BANG BANG! The two youths are down in a pool of their own blood. She walks out at the next stop and goes home.

"I have become this different person"

I'll stop here. And that's not even the climax. Go watch it! Apart from the superb performance by Jodie Foster and Terence Howard (that awesomely charming Black-mix actor with honey eyes), it's the message that boggles your mind. Now I know why it's number 1 blockbuster in US. She didn't become bad. It's controversial. For some, her new-found mad courage is supported because she is, after all, killing bad people. And I think here's the punch: Deep down, you'd want to kill the person who brought harm to you and your loved ones, but you just can't because JUST can't! But this woman, she could somehow cross the line between right and wrong although she's a righteous, sensible and mentally normal person. The shock, trauma and the loss of her loved one is so great that forgiveness is something that doesn't exist.

It's a brilliant movie.

Here's my dark confession... something probable. I WILL kill my perpetrator, if given the opportunity. Not hurt, not immobilize him, not even hesitating. I think I have the courage. I build this courage of vengeance over the years of reading news of violent crimes happening in my own city. I imagine a lot. With that, I think I will be able to bring myself to kill someone who is at the other side of the law. I'm not scared of blood. I have no humane feelings for bad people. I am capable of detachment.

It's scary when you discover how genuinely evil you can be. Have I become a monster?

Little joke to tickle you IT whizkids: "Where did I come from?"
Mom and Dad met each other in a cyber cafe. In the restrooms of that cyber cafe,dad connected to mom. Mom at that time made some downloads from dad's memory stick. When dad finished uploading we discovered we used no firewall. Since it was too late to cancel or delete, nine months later we ended up with a virus.

Nia hahahahaha!


  1. i can see how this is a good movie.
    now...if only we can get some time off to watch it.

    Jodie Foster is always a good actor. I dun think I've ever watched a movie where her acting was bad.

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