Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Barney Overdose

I bought 3 Barney VCDs, and a Sesame Street All-Star Alphabet, and I gotta tell you, as a 30 year-old adult, I enjoyed the Sesame Street immensely. I was dancin' and groovin' along!! I love Sesame Street! It's so entertaining!

I wished the childcare class was as fun as Barney's learning sessions. Yesterday, I was on leave and had too much time on my hands, so I took the little rascal to his first and LAST day at the childcare centre. Actually, we only spent an hour in class. Daniel liked it. I didn't. It's called being-a-fussy-adult syndrome.

SO. We went to look for the principal, but she wasn't in yet ( 9am already lor ). So, a kind teacher led me to the childcare class to sit in for a while and to observe.

There were about 20 kids, and 4 teachers/assistants. A Chinese lady/'auntie' was teaching simple Chinese characters and how to write the Chinese strokes. She wasn't very ...eerrrm, I would say, kid-friendly. Maybe I watch too much Barney. I think a teacher who teaches kids have to make the lessons interesting in a kiddy way, like when you speak, you gotta have enthusiasm, and be animated. But the teachers in there seems 'detached', like they were teaching for the sake of working. I understand being a kindergarten teacher is exhausting. And maybe I'm asking for too much.

Daniel thinks he's the class monitor. He 'tegur' a budak who wasn't paying attention in class. Taiko betul.

Seriously, it was a boring class to me. And it was class of GERMS. I don't even want to talk about that.

So we left. The principal was busy anyway.

I went to another house-converted-to-mini-childcare-centre. It's called Hi-Five. Cool, I thought. Maybe it's as fun as Hi-Five.

I peered through the living room window and I saw new-ish colourful children's furniture. Good start, I thought. I peered through another window to see if there was any adult I could talk to. I saw a group of children, 5 kids, about 4-5 year olds, sitting on the marble floor in a circle, playing with something. It was quiet. It was unbelievable. I've never seen a QUIET group of kids! Daniel would disrupt this peace-loving little community. So, I saved them. I walked away.

We went home and spend the rest of the day at Barney and Ally's little childcarelove centre. It's called home. It's the best.

I know someday I will have to let go.


  1. hello my dear
    why r u looking for a childcare centre when you already have an excellent caregiver for Daniel?

  2. I want him to learn social skills, interaction with other children. The class starts at 8.30am and ends at 11.30am. I think it's a good timing, plus it's like an activity to fill his days, instead of being at home all day. Anyway, I have aborted the plan, since after what I saw. he is better off at where he's at right now.

  3. PL intend to send HH to those type of center as well. Timing is important.
