Quote of the day: Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
My sickness spell is not over. I remember I said one after the another. This time, I am having dizzy-kindalike-brain-cannot-catch-up-with-my-eyesight spells. Sometimes I even feel like I'm at the verge of a panic attack or a breakdown, like I'm gonna crash and not wake up. I still haven't got my stamina back. What is wrong with me?
Note: I am not pregnant.
I am just tired of life I guess. Always on the move, always something to do, always always always.
The hubbie is also slowing down. He says we need a holiday, to somewhere we can just relax by the pool/beach and rot.
Anyone been to Krabi?
Anyway, there's always one person that I can never get tired of. My dear two-year old sweet boy.
On his birthday, we got him a cake, sang him the b'day song, and he blew two candles... again and again because he enjoys it so much.
Not the typical children's cake as you'd expect, like those Mickey Mouse ThomasNFriends Power Ranger cakes. I end up finishing all of it, in 4 days.
Wo yao kai-kai!
My Dad and I then brought him to Danga Bay later that evening to enjoy the fun fair. But poor thing, because he is still small, he can only watch..
big boy already... Ally, i think u should rest and go have medical check-up. Maybe should also has some excercise..... your body is weaker.....