Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fashion Bug

Quote of the day: “Sex appeal is 50 percent what you’ve got and 50 percent what people think you’ve got.” -Sophia Loren

This legendary Italian Oscar-winner movie star quips about her voluptuous figure "Everything you see, I owe to spaghetti". She's one smart and witty actress.

Being a typical girl who likes fashion, I love reading fashion magazines. I love (looking at ) beautiful clothes and shoes, and bags and accesories. But I have a boring wardrobe! Boring T-shirts, boring colours! Then again, if I had fancy clothes, I still wouldn't wear them on a regular basis, like you now how some people just dress up nicely, to them, it's like drinking water. I can't do it. I'm chicken! I'll stick to magazines... By the way, the Great Singapore Sale is around the corner!


  1. i'm in the midst of over hauling my wardrobe - getting rid of the stuff i will never wear again.
    I know. I have some things that look boring n terrible on me but I still love wearing them - probably because they are so comfortable.

  2. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I can understand you, I really don't like to dress up, I usually prefer jeans to skirts and snickers to high hills, I don't think there is anything bad about it! It is fine to wear cloths in which you feel yourself comfortable!
