Monday, May 28, 2007

Another weekend

Quote of the day: Knowledge comes, but wisdom stays.

Yet another weekend gone in a blink of an eye. But it was good nonetheless. I am feeling a lot better than the past couple of weeks. I had the haircut I wanted and boy do I feel so light and bouncy! Finally, I cut off my old curls that were getting draggy.

I love Photo Booth in the Mac! Just took this a few seconds ago!

My exciting weekend started with a visit to a friend's baby's full month party. Paul's friends actually. The guy used to be JB's most notorious bachelor, and the girl was a decent part-time model. Beautiful couple I would say. So, when their baby arrived, everybody wants to see the 'product'. Ok la, still too small. I forgot how newborns look like, gosh they are so tiny! Newborns are actually much robust than they look. That is why you see the infant ward nurses scooping the newborns in the speed of light and changing their nappies in 5 seconds. I remember I was horrified and amazed at the same time watching the nurses clean the babies up. So pro!

The next day, dinner was served at the convenience of my neighbour's open house party. Renovated-new-house party to be exact. Now, my house, beside it, look like the original unattractive dull house from the outside. Sigh... REVAMP!! REVAMP!!
It was a cool fun evening and we practically owned the Jalan Gunung 37.

Next day, the hubbie left for KL early in the morning. I had cravings for strawberry jam and butter sandwich. So off to Tesco I went. I bought a toaster, a RM19.90 Global brand two-slice regular toaster. Damn cheap! This is the first electrical item I bought with cash siah! I also learnt that Tesco manufactures panty-liners too! Cheaper summore.

I can't get rid of the shopping bug. I think I will do more damage these few days...


  1. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Hey dear you look really preety like years ago in university.take care

    lots love

  2. Wah, you mean I look 10 years younger! That made my day...

  3. You do look as young as ever my dear and very japanese too.

    Wow can't wait to see you again - then we can go and soothe our sorrows through some retail therapy ;-)

  4. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Yeh,duh thats what I meant being great looking for a mother of one my dear.Hope to meet up this time in July k.Take care,btw happy bday to ure little angle.


  5. Yes, yes, come home y'all!!

    There's some huge damage we need to do to our wallets...
